
ROADMAP of the National Hypertension Taskforce

Full Roadmap publication

One-page summary of the Roadmap


To increase blood pressure control* from 32% to 70% by 2030 in Australia.

*Defined as <140/90 mmHg

The urgency

Raised blood pressure is the number #1 cause of preventable deaths in Australia, mainly from heart attacks and strokes leading to >25,000 deaths per year.

The problem

One in three Australian adults (6.8 million people) have hypertension, but about half (3.4 million) don’t know they have it. Of those who do have it detected and treated only 32% (or 2.2 million) are treated effectively and have their BP under control. This compares poorly to other high-income countries (e.g. 68% in Canada).

The opportunity

By working together to implement evidence-based strategies, we can (A) prevent, (B) detect and (C) treat hypertension very effectively, whilst saving millions of lives, and AU$91.6 billion in GDP.

The solution

The Taskforce has identified three pillars of work required.

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